Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


As stated in the Association’s Statute, STOREP’s main aim is to promote diffusion and deepen the understanding of the history of economic thought and political economy, also through the institution of research grants. But STOREP has always been a home for scholars willing to adopt an interdisciplinary perspective while working on the frontier of economics, and, in general, for heterodox economists.

Aware of the difficulties STOREP members may encounter due to lack of financial resources, even in presenting their research at the Annual Conference, the Executive Committee decided the launch, in 2016, a series of grants (of 2,000 EUR each, funded from the budget; from 2020 to 2023, the call was for one annual grant of 3,000 EUR) – called “STOREPgrants” – for innovative small-scale research projects.

Following a call for applications published on this website, specifying rules and deadlines for submitting proposals, STOREP finances, on a competitive basis, research projects (by STOREP members) that fall into one or more of the following three categories:

  • research projects in the history of political economy, the history of economic thought, and the history of economics,
  • research projects exploring economic issues on an interdisciplinary basis,
  • research projects explicitly promoting heterodox approaches to economic theory.

Proposals are scrutinized on their quality and relevance by a selection committee composed of three members nominated by the Executive Committee, avoiding any conflict of interest. In the event that the selection committee considers none of the proposals worthy of funding, the grant budget is retained for the next year.

Award recipients must commit themselves to publicly illustrating the results of their research by presenting a full paper in the coming STOREP Conferences and submitting it for publication in the STOREPapers Series.

Winners receive 50% of the funding when the proposal is accepted and 50% after submitting their paper for presentation at the STOREP Annual Conference.

NEW! 2024 call

Winning recipients (2017-2023)


2023, Michele Alacevich (Università di Bologna)
“A History of Development Economics in the XXI Century”


2022, David Gindis (University of Hertfordshire)
“Pareto in the Pines: How Henry Manne Taught Economics to Law Professors and Helped Law and Economics Extend Beyond Chicago and Yale”


2021, Alessandro Le Donne (Università di Genova)
“Economic Theory and Philosophical Anthropology: Marx, Gramsci, Sraffa and the Study of Human Nature”


2020, Ipek Ilkkaracan (Istanbul Technical
University) and Izaskun Zuazu (University of Duisburg-Essen)
“The Macroeconomic Underpinnings of Gender Gaps in Political Ideology”


2019, Katia Caldari (Università di Padova) and Muriel Dal Pont Legrand (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis)
A Think-Tank in disguise? Role and influences of the French CGP


2019, Massimiliano Vatiero
Università di Trento e Università della Svizzera italiana
An historical research on the meaning of transaction in transaction cost economics


2018, Cosma Orsi
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
No One Should Have Less. James Edward Meade’s Social Dividend


2018, Michela Ciccotosto
Università di Torino
A Survey of Economics Teaching at Italian Universities


2017, Paolo Silvestri
Università di Torino
Theories of Tax Justice: Between Exchange and Gift