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18th Annual STOREP (Online) Conference – 17-18 June 2021

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The 18th Annual STOREP Conference will be held online on June 17-18, 2021, (virtually) hosted by the Università dell’Insubria, Dipartimento di Economia, Varese. The title of the Conference is “Law and Economics: History, Institutions, Public Policies”.

Katharina Pistor (Columbia Law School), a leading scholar on property rights, comparative law and legal institutions, will join the conference as the keynote speaker.

Steven Medema (Duke University), a renowned historian of economics whose research focuses on the interplay between markets and government in the history of economic ideas, will deliver the 5th “Raffaelli lecture”.

The deadline for abstract and session proposals is April 11, 2021. Notification of accepted and rejected abstracts and sessions will be sent by May 1, 2021.

Call for papers

Katharina Pistor

The expression “law and economics” refers to a large and diverse body of ideas and research enterprises at the intersection between economic theory and the analysis of law.

The name “law and economics” is usually associated with a research trend that emerged in the 1960s within the Chicago School. This approach goes from economics to law and consists of the use of economic analysis (typically microeconomics) to predict the effects of legal rules and evaluate them from the viewpoint of economic efficiency. The economic analysis of law concerns not only legislation with immediate economic relevance, such as antitrust and corporate law, but also legislation regulating a large variety of non-market activities, such as family matters and crime.

Another, much broader research line can be traced back to Adam Smith and other classical economists. It concerns the analysis of the interplay between government and other institutions with markets. This interplay has been investigated from the viewpoint of economic theory, the history of economic ideas, as well as by comparing the effect of different legal systems and institutions on economic activity (comparative institutional analysis).

A third research trend is more recent and goes from law to economics. This trend explores how law shapes and codifies the building concepts of economic analysis, such as the concept of capital, and what are the economic effects of this legal coding, e.g., the effects of the legal definition of capital on inequality.

The 2021 STOREP Annual Conference invites contributions exploring the different dimensions of law and economics: its history, from the seminal contributions of Aaron Director, Ronald Coase, Guido Calabresi, Richard Posner and Gary Becker to more recent developments; the history of antitrust and corporate law; the analysis of the interplay between government, other legal institutions, and markets; comparative institutional analysis and comparative political economy; the effects of law-and-economics research in shaping economic policies, new legislation, or court decisions; the legal coding of economic categories; the effects of legal definitions on economic development, inequality and other major economic phenomena.

Steve Medema

As characteristic of STOREP, the conference aims to explore law and economics relying on contributions from a variety of viewpoints: history of economic thought and history of economics; economic history; mainstream, non-orthodox, and heterodox theoretical approaches; multi- or inter-disciplinary perspectives.

Proposals of papers in all fields adopting a historical perspective and/or comparing different approaches to economic issues are also welcome.

STOREP warmly welcomes special sessions jointly organized with other scientific associations, and invites these latter to submit proposals.

Now an established tradition, the 2021 STOREP Conference will jointly organize initiatives and special sessions with the Institute for New Economic Thinking, the “Young Scholars Initiative”, as well as with students and researchers of the international network “Rethinking Economics”.

Selected papers on the main topic of the conference will be considered for publication in the Review of Political Economy and Economia & Lavoro.


Proposals submission

The deadline for abstract and session proposals is April 11, 2021. Notification of accepted and rejected abstracts and sessions will be sent by May 1, 2021.

Proposals must be uploaded on the Submission website of the conference – i.e. via web-based software “Conference maker“. To submit, please create an account, by providing basic contact info and choosing a user ID/password. If you signed up for a previous conference using Conference Maker, you can login with your existing user ID and password.

Abstract proposals (with keywords, JEL codes, and affiliation) must not exceed 400 words. Session proposals should include the abstract of the three scheduled papers.


May 30, 2021: deadline for submitting full papers and for becoming Members.

There are no registration fees. All participants must become STOREP members or renew their membership (instructions here).

Young Scholars STOREP Awards

STOREP provides two Awards of 1000€ each (so as to make it possible to reward both history-of-economic-thought articles and more policy-oriented papers) for the best articles presented at the Annual Conference by young scholars under 40 years of age. All applications, with CV and the final version of the papers, should be sent to segretario@storep.org no later than December 15, 2021. Only papers co-authored by no more than 2 researchers, who both meet the requirements for belonging to the “Young” scholars, are eligible for the Award. Winning recipients of the award in one of the three preceding rounds cannot apply. Papers must neither have been published before nor be under review for publication in a scholarly journal at the time of the conference.


The conference is sponsored by:

Università degli Studi dell’Insubria


Fondazione Giovanni Valcavi


18th Annual STOREP Conference

Organizing Committee
Angela Ambrosino (Università di Torino)
Mario Cedrini (Università di Torino)
Ivan Moscati (Università dell’Insubria)
Luca Congiu (Università dell’Insubria)

Scientific Committee
Angela Ambrosino (Università di Torino)
Nicola Giocoli (Università di Pisa)
Ivan Moscati (Università dell’Insubria)
Paolo Paesani (Università Roma Tor Vergata)
Antonella Palumbo (Università Roma Tre)
Antonella Stirati (Università Roma Tre)
Massimiliano Vatiero (Università di Trento e USI)