Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

STOREP 2020: General and Session Program



Online (Univ. di Roma Tor Vergata), 1-2 October 2020

The Power of Economic Ideas

* * *

ΙΙ   Home  II   Invited Speakers   ΙΙ  Raffaelli Lecture   ΙΙ

Young Scholars

* * *


October 1, 2020

10:45 to 11:00                   Institutional addresses and beginning of the Conference: Paolo Paesani

11:00 to 12:30                   Raffaelli Lecture: Sheila Dow (University of Stirling, Scotland, and University of Victoria, Canada) “Marshall, Evolutionary Economics and Climate Change”. Chair: Katia Caldari

14:00 to 15:30                   Parallel Sessions A

16:00 to 17:30                   Parallel Sessions B

17:45 to 19:15                   Joint INET-STOREP initiative: “Alternative perspectives on aggregate investments and capital accumulation”, with Anwar Shaikh (The New School for Social Research, NYC) and Fabio Petri (Università di Siena). Chair: Antonella Stirati

October 2, 2020

09:00 to 11:00                   Parallel Sessions C

11:30 to 13:00                   Parallel Sessions D

14:00 to 16:00                   Parallel Sessions E

16:15 to 17:15                   STOREP members’ General Assembly

17:30 to 19:00                   Invited speaker: Amos Witztum (London School of Economics), “A powerful Misguided Idea: Natural order through the prism of values and prices”. Chair: Annalisa Rosselli



Parallel Sessions A
October 1, 2020 14:00 to 15:30

  • Sviluppo economico e sviluppo civile: attualità del pensiero di Paolo Sylos Labini, A1
  • Finance and equity in monetary capitalism, A2
  • Real-world historic macroeconomic issues, A3

Parallel Sessions B
October 1, 2020 16:00 to 17:30

  • Keynes for today, B1
  • Marx: concepts, ideas, theories, B2
  • Rethinking Economics Italia, B3

Parallel Sessions C
October 2, 2020 09:00 to 11:00

  • Debates in the history of economic thought, C1
  • Economics and politics, C2
  • Keynesians and New-Keynesians, C3
  • Quantitative methods in the history of ideas, C4

Parallel Sessions D
October 2, 2020 11:30 to 13:00

  • Labour markets and policies, D1
  • Time and equilibrium in the history of macroeconomics, D2
  • On Inflation: from theory to policy, D3

Parallel Sessions E
October 2, 2020 14:00 to 16:00

  • Institutionalist perspectives, E1
  • Socio-economic issues, E2
  • Economics as a science and other methodological issues, E3



A1: Sviluppo economico e sviluppo civile: attualità del pensiero di Paolo Sylos Labini
October 1, 2020 14:00 to 15:30
Session Chair: Alessandro Roncaglia, Sapienza University of Rome

Aspetti di lungo periodo della crisi economica italiana attraverso le lenti di Paolo Sylos Labini
By Daniela Palma; ENEA
presented by: Daniela Palma, ENEA
Discussant: Chiara Oldani, Università degli Studi della Tuscia di Viterbo

Fiscal governance and sustainability of public debt
By Chiara Oldani; Università degli Studi della Tuscia di Viterbo
Bianca Giannini; Italian Treasury
presented by: Chiara Oldani, Università degli Studi della Tuscia di Viterbo
Discussant: Angela Ambrosino, Università di Torino

Interdisciplinarità nella teoria economica: riflessioni sulle orme di Paolo Sylos Labini
By Angela Ambrosino; Università di Torino
presented by: Angela Ambrosino, Università di Torino
Discussant: Daniela Palma, ENEA

A2: Finance and equity in monetary capitalism
October 1, 2020 14:00 to 15:30
Session Chair: Paolo Paesani, University of Rome Tor Vergata

Financial cycle, instability and rent distribution: the refutation of the efficient market hypothesis
By Alain Herscovici; Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)
presented by: Alain Herscovici, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)
Discussant: Domenico Suppa, University of Campania L. Vanvitelli

Economists, equity markets and financialization: the power of support for a flawed idea
By Catherine Macaulay; GI Think Tank
presented by: Catherine Macaulay, GI Think Tank
Discussant: Paolo Paesani, University of Rome Tor Vergata

Money, marketing and economics: on the meaning of economics in our epoch
By Lorenzo Esposito; Bank of Italy; Giuseppe Mastromatteo; Università Cattolica
presented by: Lorenzo Esposito, Bank of Italy
Discussant: Paolo Paesani, University of Rome Tor Vergata

A3: Real-world historic macroeconomic issues
October 1, 2020 14:00 to 15:30
Session Chair: Antonella Stirati, Università Roma Tre

A formal reconstruction of Argentine political economy (1973-1983): A Classic-Keynesian Approach
By Ramiro Alvarez; Università degli studi di Siena
presented by: Ramiro Alvarez, Università degli studi di Siena
Discussant: Natalia Bracarense, North Central College and Paris I-Sorbonne

From National Economic Guidance to Technical Expertise The turn away of the Commissariat General au Plan
By Katia Caldari; University of Padova
Muriel Dal Pont Legrand; Université Côte d’Azur
presented by: Katia Caldari, University of Padova; Muriel Dal Pont Legrand, Université Côte d’Azur
Discussant: Antonella Stirati, Università Roma Tre

Fourth Railway Package and rail transport operations to implement: tales of the French debates of 1870-1914
By Joachim De Paoli; Laboratoire Triangle Université Lyon
presented by: Joachim De Paoli, Laboratoire Triangle Université Lyon
Discussant: Stefano Di Bucchianico, University of Siena

B1: Keynes for today
October 1, 2020 16:00 to 17:30
Session Chair: Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, Sapienza Università di Roma

A Keynes+Schumpeter model to explain the relationship between money, development and crises
By Giancarlo Bertocco; Università degli Studi dell’Insubria; Andrea Kalajzic; Università degli Studi Dell’Insubria
presented by: Giancarlo Bertocco, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria
Discussant: Dieter Boegenhold, Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klangenfurt

‘The General Theory 4.0’ research programme: restoring Keynes’s generality claims today
By Teodoro Dario Togati; University of Turin
presented by: Teodoro Dario Togati, University of Turin
Discussant: Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, Sapienza Università di Roma

The early reception of the Phillips curve in the UK: evidence from the papers of the Council on Prices, Productivity and Incomes
By Carlo Cristiano; Università di Pisa
presented by: Carlo Cristiano, Università di Pisa
Discussant: Massimo Di Matteo, Università di Siena

B2: Marx: concepts, ideas, theories

October 1, 2020 16:00 to 17:30
Session Chair: Enrico Bellino, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Marx on the role of ideas in history
By Ted Winslow; York University
presented by: Ted Winslow, York University
Discussant: Antonella Stirati; Università Roma Tre

So, What Marx Really Meant?: Samuelson and Baumol on Marx
By Anna Noci; Università dell’Insubria
presented by: Anna Noci, Università dell’Insubria
Discussant: Enrico Bellino, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Marx’s labour theory of value as conservation law: a meta-analysis of the endless controversy between Marxists and Neo-Ricardians
By Giovanni Scarano; Università Roma Tre
presented by: Giovanni Scarano, Università Roma Tre
Discussant: Enrico Bellino, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

B3: Rethinking Economics Italia
October 1, 2020 16:00 to 17:30
Session Chair: Antonella Palumbo, Roma Tre University

Secular Stagnation and innovation dynamics: an agent-based SFC model. Part I
By Andrea Borsato; University of Siena
presented by: Andrea Borsato, University of Siena
Discussant: Walter Paternesi Meloni, Roma Tre University

Social Capital and Innovation: Evidence from the US (1997-2014)
By Rossella Viggiano; University of Pisa and Sant Anna School of Advanced Studies
presented by: Rossella Viggiano, University of Pisa and Sant Anna School of Advanced Studies
Discussant: Ivan Rubinic, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law

The influence of Ordoliberalism in the thought of Alesina and the Bocconi Boys
By Ismail El Gharras; University of Pisa; Zaccarias Gigli, University of Pisa
presented by: Ismail El Gharras, University of Pisa; Zaccarias Gigli, University of Pisa
Discussant: Antonella Palumbo, Roma Tre University

C1: Debates in the history of economic thought
October 2, 2020 9:00 to 11:00
Session Chair: Annalisa Rosselli, University of Rome Tor Vergata

Immediateness between partiality and impartiality in Adam Smith’s thought
By Riccardo Bonfiglioli; Univeristà di Cagliari
presented by: Riccardo Bonfiglioli, Univeristà di Cagliari
Discussant: Annalisa Rosselli, University of Rome Tor Vergata

Friedrich Engels at 200. Revisiting his “Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy” (1844)
By Heinz Kurz; University of Graz
presented by: Heinz Kurz, University of Graz
Discussant: Giovanni Scarano, Università Roma Tre

Robert Torrens and the dynamics of wages in a growing economy
By Christophe Depoortère; CEMOI
presented by: Christophe Depoortère, CEMOI
Discussant: Anna Noci, Università dell’Insubria

Debating the economic effects of Italian Emigration: Pareto, Coletti and Beneduce on the calculus of the value of men
By Claudia Sunna; Università del Salento; Traci Ricciardo; Università del Salento
presented by: Claudia Sunna, Università del Salento
Discussant: Massimo Di Matteo, Università di Siena

C2: Economics and politics
October 2, 2020 9:00 to 11:00
Session Chair: Paolo Ramazzotti, Università di Macerata

Pandemic Paradigm Shift
By Ivan Rubinic; University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law
presented by: Ivan Rubinic, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law
Discussant: Paolo Ramazzotti, Università di Macerata

The Macroeconomic Underpinnings of Gender Gaps in Political Ideology: a regional approach to the Spanish case
By Ipek Ilkkaracan; Istanbul Technical University; Izaskun Zuazu Bermejo; University of Duisburg-Essen
presented by: Izaskun Zuazu Bermejo, University of Duisburg-Essen
Discussant: Giulia Zacchia, Sapienza University of Rome

Economic diversification, democracy and output volatility
By Elena Seghezza; University of Genoa
presented by: Elena Seghezza, University of Genoa
Discussant: Emilio Carnevali, Northumbria University

Inequality Processes and Vertical Social Stratification: The Issue of the Middle Classes
By Dieter Boegenhold; Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klangenfurt
presented by: Dieter Boegenhold, Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klangenfurt
Discussant: Giacomo Gabbuti, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford

C3: Keynesians and New-Keynesians
October 2, 2020 9:00 to 11:00
Session Chair: Luca Fantacci, Università Bocconi, Milano

A Note on the Classical-PostKeynesian Analysis of Green Productivity and Environmental Sustainability
By Giulio Guarini; Tuscia University
presented by: Giulio Guarini, Tuscia University
Discussant: Stefano Di Bucchianico, University of Siena

A neglected route to Krugman’s liquidity trap revival
By Stefano Di Bucchianico; University of Siena
presented by: Stefano Di Bucchianico, University of Siena
Discussant: Luca Fantacci, Università Bocconi, Milano

Hysteresis, long-term unemployment and inflation: reconsidering the New-Keynesian hypothesis
By Walter Paternesi Meloni; Roma Tre University; Davide Romaniello; Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore; Antonella Stirati; Università Roma Tre
presented by: Davide Romaniello; Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Discussant: Luca Fantacci, Università Bocconi, Milano

Gain without pain or pain without gain? An assessment of fiscal multipliers in Italy
By Matteo Deleidi; University College London
presented by: Matteo Deleidi, University College London
Discussant: Andrea Borsato, University of Siena

C4: Quantitative methods in the history of ideas
October 2, 2020 9:00 to 11:00
Session Chair: Alberto Baccini, Università degli Studi di Siena

Reconstructing the social context of contemporary economics by acknowledgments analysis: the case of the Top Five
By Alberto Baccini; Università degli Studi di Siena; Eugenio Petrovich; Università degli Studi di Siena
presented by: Eugenio Petrovich, Università degli Studi di Siena

Biases in Epistemic Recruitment: an Agent-Based Simulation
By Carlo Debernandi; University of Florence; Eleonora Priori; University of Turin; Marco Viola; University of Turin
presented by: Carlo Debernandi; University of Florence; Eleonora Priori; University of Turin

Distant reading and the problem of operationalization. Goldilockean considerations
By Guido Bonino; Università di Torino; Paolo Tripodi; Università di Torino
presented by: Paolo Tripodi, Università di Torino

The problem of knowledge classification in economics (update)
By Angela Ambrosino; Università di Torino; Mario Cedrini; Università di Torino
presented by: Mario Cedrini, Università di Torino

D1: Labour markets and policies
October 2, 2020 11:30 to 13:00
Session Chair: Mario Morroni, Università di Pisa

Assessing the role of labor market slack in shaping income distribution
By Walter Paternesi Meloni; Roma Tre University; Antonella Stirati; Università Roma Tre
presented by: Walter Paternesi Meloni, Roma Tre University
Discussant: Mario Morroni, Università di Pisa

Non-Standard Work and Innovation: Evidence from European industries
By Jelena Reljic; Sapienza University of Rome; Armanda Cetrulo; Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies; Valeria Cirillo; Università degli Studi di Bari; Andrea Coveri; University of Urbino
presented by: Jelena Reljic, Sapienza University of Rome
Discussant: Mario Morroni, Università di Pisa

Labour market institutions and stagnation in a demand-led growth model with induced technical change
By Marco Stamegna
presented by: Marco Stamegna
Discussant: Matteo Deleidi, University College London

D2: Time and equilibrium in the history of macroeconomics
October 2, 2020 11:30 to 13:00
Session Chair: Teodoro Dario Togati, University of Turin

When is the Long Run? – Historical Time and Adjustment Periods in Demand-led Growth Models
By Ettore Gallo; The New School
presented by: Ettore Gallo, The New School
Discussant: Mirta Gonzalez, University of Buenos Aires

Notes on Clower’s Dual-Decision Hypothesis
By Andrea Galeotti; Università di Siena
presented by: Andrea Galeotti, Università di Siena
Discussant: Carlo Cristiano, Università di Pisa

Joan Robinson’s distinction between two ‘notions of time’ and the classical theory of value and distribution
By Paolo Trabucchi; Roma Tre University
presented by: Paolo Trabucchi, Roma Tre University
Discussant: Teodoro Dario Togati, University of Turin

D3: On Inflation: from theory to policy
October 2, 2020 11:30 to 13:00
Session Chair: Elena Seghezza, University of Genoa

The rise and fall of the creeping inflation: economic ideas and policy in the US during the Golden Age
By Guilherme Spinato Morlin; University of Siena
presented by: Guilherme Spinato Morlin, University of Siena
Discussant: Antonella Palumbo, Roma Tre University

Inflation and Underdevelopment: ideas from the creation of ECLAC
By Patrick Fontaine Reis de Araujo; Unifal-MG
presented by: Patrick Fontaine Reis de Araujo, Unifal-MG
Discussant: Federico Nastasi, La Sapienza, University of Rome

The Trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment in a ‘MMT world’: an open economy perspective
By Emilio Carnevali; Northumbria University; Matteo Deleidi; Roma Tre University
presented by: Emilio Carnevali, Northumbria University
Discussant: Elena Seghezza, University of Genoa

E1: Institutionalist perspectives
October 2, 2020 14:00 to 16:00
Session Chair: Claudia Sunna, Università del Salento

Institutionalist clues in the Celso Furtado’s economic thought
By Federico Nastasi; La Sapienza, University of Rome; Salvatore Spagano; University of Catania
presented by: Federico Nastasi, La Sapienza, University of Rome; Salvatore Spagano, University of Catania
Discussant: Claudia Sunna, Università del Salento

Rethinking of sustainable consumption inspired by ideas of Veblen and Bourdieu. Towards greater emphasis on collective consumption and income equity
By Anna Horodecka; Warsaw School of Economics
presented by: Anna Horodecka, Warsaw School of Economics
Discussant: Salvatore Spagano, University of Catania

Chinese Institutional Considerations for the Internationalization of the Renminbi: A Network Effect Approach
By Irene Berthonnet; Paris VII-Diderot; Natalia Bracarense; North Central College and Paris I-Sorbonne
presented by: Natalia Bracarense, North Central College and Paris I-Sorbonne
Discussant: Patrick Fontaine Reis de Araujo, Unifal-MG

Comparative Institutional Law and Economics: Reclaiming Economics for Socio-Legal Research
By Lyubomira Gramcheva; Middlesex University London
presented by: Lyubomira Gramcheva, Middlesex University London
Discussant: Joachim De Paoli, Laboratoire Triangle Université Lyon

E2: Socio-economic issues
October 2, 2020 14:00 to 16:00
Session Chair: Katia Caldari, University of Padova

The phenomenon of migration, theories and empirical evidences
By Salvatore D’Acunto; University of Campania; Francesco Schettino; University of Campania; Domenico Suppa; University of Campania L. Vanvitelli
presented by: Domenico Suppa, University of Campania L. Vanvitelli
Discussant: Ramiro Alvarez, Università degli studi di Siena

“Non-competing social groups”? The long debate on social mobility in Italy (c. 1890-1960)
By Giacomo Gabbuti; St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford
presented by: Giacomo Gabbuti, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford
Discussant: Lorenzo Esposito, Bank of Italy

How to Explain Tax Percentage Designation Institutions? Re-starting from Sugden’s Contractarianism
By Paolo Silvestri; University of Turin
presented by: Paolo Silvestri, University of Turin
Discussant: Katia Caldari, University of Padova

A comparative analysis between USA and China: what is the role of the military in the economy?
By Eleonora Gentilucci
presented by: Eleonora Gentilucci,
Discussant: Giancarlo Bertocco, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria

E3: Economics as a science and other methodological issues
October 2, 2020 14:00 to 16:00
Session Chair: Carlo Zappia, University of Siena

Economics imperialism and economic imperialism: Two sides of the same coin
By Angela Ambrosino; Università di Torino; Mario Cedrini; Università di Torino; John B. Davis, Marquette University and University of Amsterdam
presented by: John B. Davis, Marquette University and University of Amsterdam
Discussant: Ivan Moscati, University of Insubria

Dynamic Economic Phenomena: Determinism versus Indeterminism
By Mirta Gonzalez; University of Buenos Aires
presented by: Mirta Gonzalez, University of Buenos Aires
Discussant: Carlo Zappia, University of Siena

Systemic openness and public policy
By Paolo Ramazzotti; Università di Macerata
presented by: Paolo Ramazzotti, Università di Macerata
Discussant: Marco Viola, University of Turin

“The main hope for a genuine science of politics”. Rational Choice Theory, Game Theory and the cross-fertilization between economics and political science in 1950s.
By Gianluca Damiani; Università degli Studi di Torino-Università degli Studi di Firenze
presented by: Gianluca Damiani, Università degli Studi di Torino-Università degli Studi di Firenze
Discussant: Carlo Zappia, University of Siena[:it]


Online (Univ. di Roma Tor Vergata), 1-2 October 2020

The Power of Economic Ideas

* * *

ΙΙ   Home  II   Invited Speakers   ΙΙ  Raffaelli Lecture   ΙΙ

Young Scholars

* * *


October 1, 2020

10:45 to 11:00                   Institutional addresses and beginning of the Conference: Paolo Paesani

11:00 to 12:30                   Raffaelli Lecture: Sheila Dow (University of Stirling, Scotland, and University of Victoria, Canada) “Marshall, Evolutionary Economics and Climate Change”. Chair: Katia Caldari

14:00 to 15:30                   Parallel Sessions A

16:00 to 17:30                   Parallel Sessions B

17:45 to 19:15                   Joint INET-STOREP initiative: “Alternative perspectives on aggregate investments and capital accumulation”, with Anwar Shaikh (The New School for Social Research, NYC) and Fabio Petri (Università di Siena). Chair: Antonella Stirati

October 2, 2020

09:00 to 11:00                   Parallel Sessions C

11:30 to 13:00                   Parallel Sessions D

14:00 to 16:00                   Parallel Sessions E

16:15 to 17:15                   STOREP members’ General Assembly

17:30 to 19:00                   Invited speaker: Amos Witztum (London School of Economics), “A powerful Misguided Idea: Natural order through the prism of values and prices”. Chair: Annalisa Rosselli



Parallel Sessions A
October 1, 2020 14:00 to 15:30

  • Sviluppo economico e sviluppo civile: attualità del pensiero di Paolo Sylos Labini, A1
  • Finance and equity in monetary capitalism, A2
  • Real-world historic macroeconomic issues, A3

Parallel Sessions B
October 1, 2020 16:00 to 17:30

  • Keynes for today, B1
  • Marx: concepts, ideas, theories, B2
  • Rethinking Economics Italia, B3

Parallel Sessions C
October 2, 2020 09:00 to 11:00

  • Debates in the history of economic thought, C1
  • Economics and politics, C2
  • Keynesians and New-Keynesians, C3
  • Quantitative methods in the history of ideas, C4

Parallel Sessions D
October 2, 2020 11:30 to 13:00

  • Labour markets and policies, D1
  • Time and equilibrium in the history of macroeconomics, D2
  • On Inflation: from theory to policy, D3

Parallel Sessions E
October 2, 2020 14:00 to 16:00

  • Institutionalist perspectives, E1
  • Socio-economic issues, E2
  • Economics as a science and other methodological issues, E3



A1: Sviluppo economico e sviluppo civile: attualità del pensiero di Paolo Sylos Labini
October 1, 2020 14:00 to 15:30
Session Chair: Alessandro Roncaglia, Sapienza University of Rome

Aspetti di lungo periodo della crisi economica italiana attraverso le lenti di Paolo Sylos Labini
By Daniela Palma; ENEA
presented by: Daniela Palma, ENEA
Discussant: Chiara Oldani, Università degli Studi della Tuscia di Viterbo

Fiscal governance and sustainability of public debt
By Chiara Oldani; Università degli Studi della Tuscia di Viterbo
Bianca Giannini; Italian Treasury
presented by: Chiara Oldani, Università degli Studi della Tuscia di Viterbo
Discussant: Angela Ambrosino, Università di Torino

Interdisciplinarità nella teoria economica: riflessioni sulle orme di Paolo Sylos Labini
By Angela Ambrosino; Università di Torino
presented by: Angela Ambrosino, Università di Torino
Discussant: Daniela Palma, ENEA

A2: Finance and equity in monetary capitalism
October 1, 2020 14:00 to 15:30
Session Chair: Paolo Paesani, University of Rome Tor Vergata

Financial cycle, instability and rent distribution: the refutation of the efficient market hypothesis
By Alain Herscovici; Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)
presented by: Alain Herscovici, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)
Discussant: Domenico Suppa, University of Campania L. Vanvitelli

Economists, equity markets and financialization: the power of support for a flawed idea
By Catherine Macaulay; GI Think Tank
presented by: Catherine Macaulay, GI Think Tank
Discussant: Paolo Paesani, University of Rome Tor Vergata

Money, marketing and economics: on the meaning of economics in our epoch
By Lorenzo Esposito; Bank of Italy; Giuseppe Mastromatteo; Università Cattolica
presented by: Lorenzo Esposito, Bank of Italy
Discussant: Paolo Paesani, University of Rome Tor Vergata

A3: Real-world historic macroeconomic issues
October 1, 2020 14:00 to 15:30
Session Chair: Antonella Stirati, Università Roma Tre

A formal reconstruction of Argentine political economy (1973-1983): A Classic-Keynesian Approach
By Ramiro Alvarez; Università degli studi di Siena
presented by: Ramiro Alvarez, Università degli studi di Siena
Discussant: Natalia Bracarense, North Central College and Paris I-Sorbonne

From National Economic Guidance to Technical Expertise The turn away of the Commissariat General au Plan
By Katia Caldari; University of Padova
Muriel Dal Pont Legrand; Université Côte d’Azur
presented by: Katia Caldari, University of Padova; Muriel Dal Pont Legrand, Université Côte d’Azur
Discussant: Antonella Stirati, Università Roma Tre

Fourth Railway Package and rail transport operations to implement: tales of the French debates of 1870-1914
By Joachim De Paoli; Laboratoire Triangle Université Lyon
presented by: Joachim De Paoli, Laboratoire Triangle Université Lyon
Discussant: Stefano Di Bucchianico, University of Siena

B1: Keynes for today
October 1, 2020 16:00 to 17:30
Session Chair: Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, Sapienza Università di Roma

A Keynes+Schumpeter model to explain the relationship between money, development and crises
By Giancarlo Bertocco; Università degli Studi dell’Insubria; Andrea Kalajzic; Università degli Studi Dell’Insubria
presented by: Giancarlo Bertocco, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria
Discussant: Dieter Boegenhold, Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klangenfurt

‘The General Theory 4.0’ research programme: restoring Keynes’s generality claims today
By Teodoro Dario Togati; University of Turin
presented by: Teodoro Dario Togati, University of Turin
Discussant: Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, Sapienza Università di Roma

The early reception of the Phillips curve in the UK: evidence from the papers of the Council on Prices, Productivity and Incomes
By Carlo Cristiano; Università di Pisa
presented by: Carlo Cristiano, Università di Pisa
Discussant: Massimo Di Matteo, Università di Siena

B2: Marx: concepts, ideas, theories

October 1, 2020 16:00 to 17:30
Session Chair: Enrico Bellino, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Marx on the role of ideas in history
By Ted Winslow; York University
presented by: Ted Winslow, York University
Discussant: Antonella Stirati; Università Roma Tre

So, What Marx Really Meant?: Samuelson and Baumol on Marx
By Anna Noci; Università dell’Insubria
presented by: Anna Noci, Università dell’Insubria
Discussant: Enrico Bellino, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Marx’s labour theory of value as conservation law: a meta-analysis of the endless controversy between Marxists and Neo-Ricardians
By Giovanni Scarano; Università Roma Tre
presented by: Giovanni Scarano, Università Roma Tre
Discussant: Enrico Bellino, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

B3: Rethinking Economics Italia
October 1, 2020 16:00 to 17:30
Session Chair: Antonella Palumbo, Roma Tre University

Secular Stagnation and innovation dynamics: an agent-based SFC model. Part I
By Andrea Borsato; University of Siena
presented by: Andrea Borsato, University of Siena
Discussant: Walter Paternesi Meloni, Roma Tre University

Social Capital and Innovation: Evidence from the US (1997-2014)
By Rossella Viggiano; University of Pisa and Sant Anna School of Advanced Studies
presented by: Rossella Viggiano, University of Pisa and Sant Anna School of Advanced Studies
Discussant: Ivan Rubinic, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law

The influence of Ordoliberalism in the thought of Alesina and the Bocconi Boys
By Ismail El Gharras; University of Pisa; Zaccarias Gigli, University of Pisa
presented by: Ismail El Gharras, University of Pisa; Zaccarias Gigli, University of Pisa
Discussant: Antonella Palumbo, Roma Tre University

C1: Debates in the history of economic thought
October 2, 2020 9:00 to 11:00
Session Chair: Annalisa Rosselli, University of Rome Tor Vergata

Immediateness between partiality and impartiality in Adam Smith’s thought
By Riccardo Bonfiglioli; Univeristà di Cagliari
presented by: Riccardo Bonfiglioli, Univeristà di Cagliari
Discussant: Annalisa Rosselli, University of Rome Tor Vergata

Friedrich Engels at 200. Revisiting his “Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy” (1844)
By Heinz Kurz; University of Graz
presented by: Heinz Kurz, University of Graz
Discussant: Giovanni Scarano, Università Roma Tre

Robert Torrens and the dynamics of wages in a growing economy
By Christophe Depoortère; CEMOI
presented by: Christophe Depoortère, CEMOI
Discussant: Anna Noci, Università dell’Insubria

Debating the economic effects of Italian Emigration: Pareto, Coletti and Beneduce on the calculus of the value of men
By Claudia Sunna; Università del Salento; Traci Ricciardo; Università del Salento
presented by: Claudia Sunna, Università del Salento
Discussant: Massimo Di Matteo, Università di Siena

C2: Economics and politics
October 2, 2020 9:00 to 11:00
Session Chair: Paolo Ramazzotti, Università di Macerata

Pandemic Paradigm Shift
By Ivan Rubinic; University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law
presented by: Ivan Rubinic, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law
Discussant: Paolo Ramazzotti, Università di Macerata

The Macroeconomic Underpinnings of Gender Gaps in Political Ideology: a regional approach to the Spanish case
By Ipek Ilkkaracan; Istanbul Technical University; Izaskun Zuazu Bermejo; University of Duisburg-Essen
presented by: Izaskun Zuazu Bermejo, University of Duisburg-Essen
Discussant: Giulia Zacchia, Sapienza University of Rome

Economic diversification, democracy and output volatility
By Elena Seghezza; University of Genoa
presented by: Elena Seghezza, University of Genoa
Discussant: Emilio Carnevali, Northumbria University

Inequality Processes and Vertical Social Stratification: The Issue of the Middle Classes
By Dieter Boegenhold; Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klangenfurt
presented by: Dieter Boegenhold, Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klangenfurt
Discussant: Giacomo Gabbuti, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford

C3: Keynesians and New-Keynesians
October 2, 2020 9:00 to 11:00
Session Chair: Luca Fantacci, Università Bocconi, Milano

A Note on the Classical-PostKeynesian Analysis of Green Productivity and Environmental Sustainability
By Giulio Guarini; Tuscia University
presented by: Giulio Guarini, Tuscia University
Discussant: Stefano Di Bucchianico, University of Siena

A neglected route to Krugman’s liquidity trap revival
By Stefano Di Bucchianico; University of Siena
presented by: Stefano Di Bucchianico, University of Siena
Discussant: Luca Fantacci, Università Bocconi, Milano

Hysteresis, long-term unemployment and inflation: reconsidering the New-Keynesian hypothesis
By Walter Paternesi Meloni; Roma Tre University; Davide Romaniello; Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore; Antonella Stirati; Università Roma Tre
presented by: Davide Romaniello; Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Discussant: Luca Fantacci, Università Bocconi, Milano

Gain without pain or pain without gain? An assessment of fiscal multipliers in Italy
By Matteo Deleidi; University College London
presented by: Matteo Deleidi, University College London
Discussant: Andrea Borsato, University of Siena

C4: Quantitative methods in the history of ideas
October 2, 2020 9:00 to 11:00
Session Chair: Alberto Baccini, Università degli Studi di Siena

Reconstructing the social context of contemporary economics by acknowledgments analysis: the case of the Top Five
By Alberto Baccini; Università degli Studi di Siena; Eugenio Petrovich; Università degli Studi di Siena
presented by: Eugenio Petrovich, Università degli Studi di Siena

Biases in Epistemic Recruitment: an Agent-Based Simulation
By Carlo Debernandi; University of Florence; Eleonora Priori; University of Turin; Marco Viola; University of Turin
presented by: Carlo Debernandi; University of Florence; Eleonora Priori; University of Turin

Distant reading and the problem of operationalization. Goldilockean considerations
By Guido Bonino; Università di Torino; Paolo Tripodi; Università di Torino
presented by: Paolo Tripodi, Università di Torino

The problem of knowledge classification in economics (update)
By Angela Ambrosino; Università di Torino; Mario Cedrini; Università di Torino
presented by: Mario Cedrini, Università di Torino

D1: Labour markets and policies
October 2, 2020 11:30 to 13:00
Session Chair: Mario Morroni, Università di Pisa

Assessing the role of labor market slack in shaping income distribution
By Walter Paternesi Meloni; Roma Tre University; Antonella Stirati; Università Roma Tre
presented by: Walter Paternesi Meloni, Roma Tre University
Discussant: Mario Morroni, Università di Pisa

Non-Standard Work and Innovation: Evidence from European industries
By Jelena Reljic; Sapienza University of Rome; Armanda Cetrulo; Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies; Valeria Cirillo; Università degli Studi di Bari; Andrea Coveri; University of Urbino
presented by: Jelena Reljic, Sapienza University of Rome
Discussant: Mario Morroni, Università di Pisa

Labour market institutions and stagnation in a demand-led growth model with induced technical change
By Marco Stamegna
presented by: Marco Stamegna
Discussant: Matteo Deleidi, University College London

D2: Time and equilibrium in the history of macroeconomics
October 2, 2020 11:30 to 13:00
Session Chair: Teodoro Dario Togati, University of Turin

When is the Long Run? – Historical Time and Adjustment Periods in Demand-led Growth Models
By Ettore Gallo; The New School
presented by: Ettore Gallo, The New School
Discussant: Mirta Gonzalez, University of Buenos Aires

Notes on Clower’s Dual-Decision Hypothesis
By Andrea Galeotti; Università di Siena
presented by: Andrea Galeotti, Università di Siena
Discussant: Carlo Cristiano, Università di Pisa

Joan Robinson’s distinction between two ‘notions of time’ and the classical theory of value and distribution
By Paolo Trabucchi; Roma Tre University
presented by: Paolo Trabucchi, Roma Tre University
Discussant: Teodoro Dario Togati, University of Turin

D3: On Inflation: from theory to policy
October 2, 2020 11:30 to 13:00
Session Chair: Elena Seghezza, University of Genoa

The rise and fall of the creeping inflation: economic ideas and policy in the US during the Golden Age
By Guilherme Spinato Morlin; University of Siena
presented by: Guilherme Spinato Morlin, University of Siena
Discussant: Antonella Palumbo, Roma Tre University

Inflation and Underdevelopment: ideas from the creation of ECLAC
By Patrick Fontaine Reis de Araujo; Unifal-MG
presented by: Patrick Fontaine Reis de Araujo, Unifal-MG
Discussant: Federico Nastasi, La Sapienza, University of Rome

The Trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment in a ‘MMT world’: an open economy perspective
By Emilio Carnevali; Northumbria University; Matteo Deleidi; Roma Tre University
presented by: Emilio Carnevali, Northumbria University
Discussant: Elena Seghezza, University of Genoa

E1: Institutionalist perspectives
October 2, 2020 14:00 to 16:00
Session Chair: Claudia Sunna, Università del Salento

Institutionalist clues in the Celso Furtado’s economic thought
By Federico Nastasi; La Sapienza, University of Rome; Salvatore Spagano; University of Catania
presented by: Federico Nastasi, La Sapienza, University of Rome; Salvatore Spagano, University of Catania
Discussant: Claudia Sunna, Università del Salento

Rethinking of sustainable consumption inspired by ideas of Veblen and Bourdieu. Towards greater emphasis on collective consumption and income equity
By Anna Horodecka; Warsaw School of Economics
presented by: Anna Horodecka, Warsaw School of Economics
Discussant: Salvatore Spagano, University of Catania

Chinese Institutional Considerations for the Internationalization of the Renminbi: A Network Effect Approach
By Irene Berthonnet; Paris VII-Diderot; Natalia Bracarense; North Central College and Paris I-Sorbonne
presented by: Natalia Bracarense, North Central College and Paris I-Sorbonne
Discussant: Patrick Fontaine Reis de Araujo, Unifal-MG

Comparative Institutional Law and Economics: Reclaiming Economics for Socio-Legal Research
By Lyubomira Gramcheva; Middlesex University London
presented by: Lyubomira Gramcheva, Middlesex University London
Discussant: Joachim De Paoli, Laboratoire Triangle Université Lyon

E2: Socio-economic issues
October 2, 2020 14:00 to 16:00
Session Chair: Katia Caldari, University of Padova

The phenomenon of migration, theories and empirical evidences
By Salvatore D’Acunto; University of Campania; Francesco Schettino; University of Campania; Domenico Suppa; University of Campania L. Vanvitelli
presented by: Domenico Suppa, University of Campania L. Vanvitelli
Discussant: Ramiro Alvarez, Università degli studi di Siena

“Non-competing social groups”? The long debate on social mobility in Italy (c. 1890-1960)
By Giacomo Gabbuti; St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford
presented by: Giacomo Gabbuti, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford
Discussant: Lorenzo Esposito, Bank of Italy

How to Explain Tax Percentage Designation Institutions? Re-starting from Sugden’s Contractarianism
By Paolo Silvestri; University of Turin
presented by: Paolo Silvestri, University of Turin
Discussant: Katia Caldari, University of Padova

A comparative analysis between USA and China: what is the role of the military in the economy?
By Eleonora Gentilucci
presented by: Eleonora Gentilucci,
Discussant: Giancarlo Bertocco, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria

E3: Economics as a science and other methodological issues
October 2, 2020 14:00 to 16:00
Session Chair: Carlo Zappia, University of Siena

Economics imperialism and economic imperialism: Two sides of the same coin
By Angela Ambrosino; Università di Torino; Mario Cedrini; Università di Torino; John B. Davis, Marquette University and University of Amsterdam
presented by: John B. Davis, Marquette University and University of Amsterdam
Discussant: Ivan Moscati, University of Insubria

Dynamic Economic Phenomena: Determinism versus Indeterminism
By Mirta Gonzalez; University of Buenos Aires
presented by: Mirta Gonzalez, University of Buenos Aires
Discussant: Carlo Zappia, University of Siena

Systemic openness and public policy
By Paolo Ramazzotti; Università di Macerata
presented by: Paolo Ramazzotti, Università di Macerata
Discussant: Marco Viola, University of Turin

“The main hope for a genuine science of politics”. Rational Choice Theory, Game Theory and the cross-fertilization between economics and political science in 1950s.
By Gianluca Damiani; Università degli Studi di Torino-Università degli Studi di Firenze
presented by: Gianluca Damiani, Università degli Studi di Torino-Università degli Studi di Firenze
Discussant: Carlo Zappia, University of Siena[:]