Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

STOREP Young Scholars

STOREP young scholars are non-tenured researchers under 40 years of age. In the ordinary general elections, STOREP young scholars elect a delegate as their representative in the Executive Committee.

They are entitled to a reduced membership fee (30€ per year) and to participate into the competition for the “Young Scholar Awards” which are given every year at the Annual Conference.

STOREP provides two kinds of awards for Young Scholars:

Scholarships for scholars under 40 years of age, on occasion of the Annual Conference. In order to be eligible, young scholars are required to submit a Curriculum Vitae and a paper on any topic of relevance to the history of political economy or to the main theme of the Conference. The authors of the selected papers will be awarded free registration to the STOREP Conference and related activities (including the social dinner), the annual membership fee, as well as – when possible – total or partial reimbursement of travel expenses.

The STOREP Award (since 2020, two awards of 1000€ each; an individual award of 500€ up to 2019) for the best article presented at the Annual Conference by young scholars under 40 years of age. In order to be eligible, young scholars are required to submit a Curriculum Vitae and a paper on any topic of relevance to the history of political economy or to the main theme of the Conference, or else a paper on any issue in contemporary economic analysis and policy whose conclusions are spelled out in contrast or continuity with past theoretical standpoints.



The STOREP 2022 Award has been conferred to:

Christopher J PROCTOR (Università Roma Tre)

author of:

“Expanding the possible: Exploring the role for heterodox economics in integrated climate-economy modeling”


The STOREP 2021 Award has been conferred to:

Giacomo GABBUTI (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa)

author of:

“The 1923 ‘Quasi Abolition’ of Inheritance Tax. A Case Study on The Political Economy of ‘Laissez Faire Fascism'”


Lúcia Regina CENTURIÃO (Universidade de São Paulo)

author of:

“An Economic Advisor manqué. Finds a Follower: Léon Walras and Ètienne Antonelli”


The STOREP 2020 Award has been conferred to:

Stefano DI BUCCHIANICO (Università di Siena)

author of:

The Negative Natural Rate of Interest in the Modern Theories of Liquidity Trap and Secular Stagnation: Back to Böhm-Bawerk via Samuelson

(published in the STOREPapers series: WP 1 2021)


Matteo DELEIDI (University College London and Università di Napoli Parthenope)

author of:

Gain without Pain or Pain without Gain? An Assessment of Fiscal Multipliers in Italy


The STOREP 2019 Award has been conferred to

Agnès Le Tollec

author of: “Home Economics as an Art of Improving Family Welfare: Creating a Rational Consumer, 1924-1945

(published in the STOREPapers series: WP 1 2019)


The STOREP 2018 Award has been conferred to

Thiago Dumont Oliveira

author of: “From Modelmania to Dataeconomics:
The Top Journals and the Quest for Formalization

(published in the STOREPapers series: WP 2 2018)


The STOREP 2017 Prize has not been awarded.


The STOREP 2016 Award has been conferred to

Riccardo Evangelista

author of: “Ragioni, negazioni e direzioni dell’intervento pubblico
Logiche del processo economico in Mises e Polanyi”

(published in the STOREPapers series: WP 2 2016)



The STOREP 2015 Award has been conferred toCléo Chassonnery Zaïgouche

Cléo Chassonnery-Zaïgouche

author of: “Crossing Boundaries, Displacing Previous Knowledge and Claiming Superiority: Is the Economics of Discrimination a Conquest of Economics Imperialism?”

(published in the STOREPapers series: WP 5 2015)


COSTANTINI_ORSOLAThe STOREP 2014 Award has been conferred to

Orsola Costantini

author of:

Cyclically Adjusted Budget: History and Exegesis of a Concept


s200_herv_.baronPassarellaThe STOREP 2013 Award has been conferred to 

Hervé Baron and Marco Veronese Passarella

authors of: “Capital’s Pons Asinorum: The Rate of Turnover in Karl Marx’s Analysis of Capitalist Valorisation

(published in the STOREPapers series: WP 16 2013).


The STOREP 2012 Award has been conferred to

Paolo Trabucchi

author of

Ragnar Frisch e il concetto di Equilibrio Normale

(published in the STOREPapers series: WP 1 2013).



Annual scholarships for the 16th STOREP Conference (Siena, 2019):

Ramiro Eugenio Álvarez, Tommaso Brollo, Stefano Di Bucchianico, Andrea Galeotti, Léon Guillot, Francesca Iafrate, Agnes Le Tollec, Andrej Svorenčík.

Annual scholarships for the 15th STOREP Conference (Genova, 2018):

Sam de Muijnck, Flávio Santos Oliveira, Thiago Dumont Oliveira.

Annual scholarships for the 14th STOREP Conference (Piacenza, 2017):

Andrea Coveri, Marina De Angelis, Manfredi De Leo, Claudia Fontanari, Daniele Girardi, Riccardo Pariboni, Sara Picchi, Daria Pignalosa.

Annual scholarships for the 13th STOREP Conference (Catania, 2016):

Joselle Dagnes, Riccardo Evangelista, Eleonora Gentilucci, Ramzi Klabi, Gleb Maslov, Cecilia Navarra, Riccardo Pariboni, and Giulia Zacchia.

Annual scholarships for the 12th STOREP Conference (Torino, 2015):

Irène Berthonnet, Lucia Bonacci, Fabian Braesemann, Cecilia Carnino, Fernando Chafim, Riccardo Evangelista, Bettina Kalmbach, Vincenzo Maccarrone, Enrico Petracca, Lorenzo Piccinini, and Fabian Stephany.

Annual scholarships for the 11th STOREP Conference (Bergamo, 2014):

Antonio Bianco, Sofia Costanza, Alessandro Dafano, and Riccardo Evangelista.

Annual scholarships for the 10th STOREP Conference (Gaeta, 2013):

Francesca Berti, Sofia Costanza, and Giovanni Michelagnoli.

Annual scholarships for the 9th STOREP Conference (Padova, 2012):

Antonio Bianco, Carlo D’Ippoliti, Germán D. Feldman, Nadia, Garbellini, Stefano Lucarelli, Nga Nguyen, Oksana Pashchenko, Marco Passarella, Nikola Regent, German Scalzo, and Ariel Luis Wirkierman.

Annual scholarships for the 8th STOREP Conference (Minervino di Lecce, 2011):

Veronica Anelli, Irène Berthonnet, Francesca Corrado, Ariel Dvoskin, Marco Gozzelino, Giovanni Michelagnoli, Ana Tamayo, and Giulia Zacchia.

Annual scholarships for the 7th STOREP Conference (Trento, 2010):

Giovanni Michelagnoli, Paolo Silvestri, and Ludmila Vozna.

Annual scholarships for the 6th STOREP Conference (Firenze, 2009):

Ioannis A. Katselidis, Andrés Lazzarini, Sonia Riva, Fabrizio Simon, Elena Vallino, Vipin P. Veetil, and Leonardo Weller.



Best PhD Dissertation 2007:
Mario Cedrini, “Il dono di Keynes per il sistema economico internazionale”, Dottorato in economia della complessità e della creatività, Università di Torino.


Best PhD Dissertation 2006:
Paola Tubaro, “Les origines de la mathématisation de l’économie: calcul infinitésimal et théorie des prix”, Joint Doctoral Program, Université Paris X – Nanterre (France) and J.W. Goethe-Universität


Best Article 2007:
Alessio Vincenzo Liquori, ‘Capitale sociale e letteratura economica: storia di un “lavoro sporco”’, published in Istituzioni e sviluppo economico, III, 2005, pp. 143-176.


Best Article 2006:
Michele Alacevich, ‘Post-War Economic Policies for Development: Lauchlin B. Currie and the World Bank in Colombia’, published in Storia del Pensiero Economico, 1, 2005, pp. 73-92.