Tue. Feb 11th, 2025

STOREP 2020: Young Scholars


Online Conference (Università di Roma Tor Vergata), 1-2 October 2020

The Power of Economic Ideas

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ΙΙ   Invited Speakers   ΙΙ   Raffaelli Lecture   ΙΙ 

General and Session Program

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(Go to) INET – (Go to) Rethinking Economics


YSI Pre-Conference @ STOREP 2020 “The Power of Economic Ideas” (online conference)

Pre-Conference Program

Tuesday September, 29th

9:55 (CEST) Welcome address

10:00 – 13 :00 (CEST) INET Mini Course 1 – Location:
ZOOM class 1
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 952 7523 1495
Passcode: 822507

Chairperson: Stefano Di Bucchianico, University of Siena, YSI
By Nadia Garbellini, Università Cattolica di Piacenza

The course aims to provide basic knowledge about the theoretical origins of Input-Output analysis and the possible empirical applications. After a short historical introduction, the relevant accounting definitions will be introduced and the IO scheme will be illustrated. We will show the links between traditional IO analysis and modern network theory. Finally, we will show students where to find data and how to use them with a simple example.

13:00 Lunch BREAK

14:30 – 16:00 (CEST) *Young Scholar Presentations 1*– Political Economy of Europe
Young Scholar Presentations A1 – Location: Zoom class 1 (same credentials of Garbellini lesson)

Chairperson: Stefano Di Bucchianico, University of Siena, YSI
Discussant: Eugenio Caverzasi

• Renuka Bhat – An Institutional Perspective of the European Political Economy
• Riccardo Zolea – The Relationship Between Profit Rate and Interest Rate: The Role of Bank Profitability
• Francesco Ruggeri – Beyond Job Guarantee: The Employer of Last Resort Scheme as a tool to promote growth and structural change

Wednesday September, 30th

10:00 – 13:00 (CEST) INET Mini Course 2 – Location:
ZOOM class 1
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 985 3289 8194
Passcode: 655768

Chairperson: Maria Cristina Barbieri, Roma Tre University, YSI
By Roberto Ciccone, Roma Tre University

The lecture will basically focus on the following two groups of issues: a) the nature and implications of public debt; b) the effects which public debt may produce on the economic system. After specifying what the debt of the public sector actually is and questioning some unfounded ‘common sense’ beliefs about that, it will be argued that the effects attributed to debt financing of public expenditure are bound to be different according to the theoretical framework on the basis of which one understands the working of a market economy.

13:00 Lunch BREAK

14:30 – 16:00 (CEST) *Young Scholar Presentations 2* – Inequality
Young Scholar Presentations A1 – Location: zoom class (same credentials of Ciccone lesson)

Chairperson: Maria Cristina Barbieri, Roma Tre University, YSI
Discussant: Orsola Costantini

• Xinwen Zhang – Inequalities in China’s social security system
• Marwil Davila – The Kuznets curve of the Rich
• Venkat Nadella – Electoral Quotas, Redistribution, and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from India

Thursday October, 1st

17:45 to 19:15 (CEST) – Joint INET-STOREP initiative: Chairperson: Antonella Stirati, Roma Tre University
“Alternative perspectives on aggregate investments and capital accumulation”, with Anwar Shaikh (The New School for Social Research, NYC) and Fabio Petri (University of Siena)

About the Working Groups:
Inequality Working Group
The Inequality Working Group is part of the Young Scholar’s Initiative at the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET). Our group brings together both graduate and undergraduate students interested in researching topics at the intersection of multiple dimensions of inequality and economics.

Political Economy of Europe Working Group
The Political Economy of Europe Working Group is part of the Young Scholar’s Initiative at the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET). Our group investigates how new economic thinking can contribute to a better understanding of the financial integration between the European economies, how to respond to the Euro Crisis, and ideas to counter the imbalances between the members of the European Union.

Maria Cristina Barbieri Góes
Stefano Di Bucchianico



La sessione (il post sulla pagina Facebook)

È uscito il programma completo del Convegno Annuale della STOREP Associazione Italiana per la Storia dell’Economia Politica che si terrà online nelle giornate dell’1 e 2 Ottobre 2020.
Il programma è una bomba e ci sarà anche la sessione di Rethinking Economics Italia alle ore 16 del primo giorno, in cui tre autori e autrici presenteranno i loro contributi.
Il primo paper della nostra sessione sarà
“Secular Stagnation and innovation dynamics: an agent-based SFC model. Part I” di Andrea Borsato, Università di Siena. Discussant: Walter Paternesi Meloni, Università Roma Tre.
Il secondo contributo sarà “Social Capital and Innovation: Evidence from the US (1997-2014)” di Rossella Viggiano, dell’Università di Pisa e Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. Discussant: Ivan Rubinic, Università di Rijeka.
Infine, “The influence of Ordoliberalism in the thought of Alesina and the Bocconi Boys” di Ismail El Gharras e Zaccarias Gigli, Università di Pisa. Discussant: Antonella Palumbo, Università Roma Tre.
Per accedere alla Conferenza, così come a tutti i materiali, andate su http://www.storep.org/wp/en/iscrizione-allassociazione/ e diventate membri della STOREP.


Il call for papers

Rethinking Economics Italia is organizing a session at the STOREP 2020 Conference. This call is aimed at collecting and selecting three papers that should be presented by the authors and discussed during the session.

Send your abstract proposal (max 400 words) to rethink.econ.ita@gmail.com. Deadline: March 13. Here below the call (click on it for pdf download) with full details.