Tue. Feb 11th, 2025

STOREPGrant 2024: Apply! (deadline: June 15)


We are pleased to announce the launch of the new round of STOREPGrants.

STOREP members are invited to submit innovative small-scale research projects that fall into one or more of the following three categories:

  • research projects in the history of political economy, the history of economic thought, and the history of economics;
  • research projects exploring economic issues on an inter/transdisciplinary basis;
  • research projects explicitly promoting heterodox approaches to economic theory.

Proposals are scrutinized on their quality and relevance by a selection committee composed of three members nominated by the Executive Committee, avoiding any conflict of interest. The selection committee may award up to a maximum of two research projects for a total amount of 2000 euros for each project if the selection committee considers none of the proposals worthy of funding, the grant budget is retained for the following year.

The deadline for submitting proposals is June 15, 2024. The winner will be officially announced during the forthcoming General Assembly, to be held during the 21st Annual Conference in Milan, 27-29 June 2024.

Award recipients must commit themselves to publicly illustrate the results of their research by presenting a full paper at the 2025 STOREP Conference or in the one after that and to submit it for publication in the STOREPapers Series.

Only STOREP members can apply for the grants; members of the Executive Committee cannot submit proposals.

Only an individual STOREP member or teams of two STOREP members are entitled to apply.

Winners receive 50% of the funding when the proposal is accepted and 50% after submitting their paper for presentation at the STOREP Annual Conference.

STOREP members who wish to participate must send to segretario@storep.org a research proposal (Microsoft Word) that includes the following:

  • title;
  • problem statement and objectives (500 words), sources and secondary literature (500 words), expected results (250 words);
  • five keywords;
  • JEL codes;
  • Affiliation and short biographical notes (max. 200 words):
  • two relevant publications broadly related to the proposed subject;
  • other researchers eventually involved”.

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