Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Elections of STOREP officers, 2024-2027: Candidates

Elections of STOREP officers (President, Secretary, Members of the Executive Committee, Auditors, and, in a separate ballot, Young Scholars Representative) for the next triennium will be held in April 2024.

Only current members (that is, scholars who have become members in 2024 or renewed their membership for the current year) shall be entitled to vote. Memberships can be renewed by following the instructions at this link.

Voting instructions will be posted on this website and notified to members shortly.
Here below is the list of candidates, with profiles and photos.

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SAVERIO MARIA FRATINI is a full professor of Economics and serves as the coordinator of the PhD program in Economics at Roma Tre University. He graduated, cum laude, in Economics and obtained his PhD from Sapienza University of Rome. He also held visiting scholar positions at Trinity College, Cambridge (2014); Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz (2017); and Université de Lausanne (2018).

His research interests primarily concern economic theory and the history of economic thought, with a specific focus on Piero Sraffa’s contributions. He is the author of several papers published in scientific journals (such as Journal of Economic Surveys, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Metroeconomica, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, among others) and in various collected books. He serves on the editorial boards of Metroeconomica and the Bulletin of Political Economy, and holds the role of managing editor for the Centro Sraffa Working Papers.


ANGELA AMBROSINO is Assistant Professor of History of Economic Thought at the Department of Economics and Statistics of the University of Turin, Italy, where she teaches economics. STOREP member since the Association’s first conference in 2004, she has served as member of the Executive Committee for the years 2015-18 and 2018-21, and as Secretary-general for the years 2021-24. She is a member of the Committee of Archivio Storico delle Economiste ed Economisti – ASEE (since 2020) and of the Scientific Committee of the Turin School of Local Regulation, Fondazione Tebaldo Fenoglio (since 2012).

She has published several articles concerning institutional economics from a history of economic thought and a history of economics perspectives. Her research interests include economic methodology and the relationship between economics and other disciplines.

Managing Editor of The Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi (since 2021), she has recently published “Can Institutional Economics Still Fascinate Scholars?”, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 2023, “Economics imperialism and economic imperialism: Two sides of the same coin” (with M. Cedrini and J.B. Davis), Review of Political Economy, 2023, and “Today’s Economics: One, No One, and One Hundred Thousand” (with M. Cedrini and J.B. Davis), The European Journal of History of the Economic Thought, 2023.


ALDO BARBA was Born in Vico Equense (Na) in 1970. Graduated in Economics, University of Naples Federico II, in 1994. Doctorate in Political Economy, Faculty of Economics, University of Rome La Sapienza in 1999. Full Professor of Political Economy at the University of Naples Federico II after having been Associate Professor of Economic Policy and Researcher in Political Economy at the same University.

His research interests focus on Keynesian economics, classical theory of value and
distribution, private and public debt, monetary and fiscal policies, financial regulation,
primary and secondary distribution of income. For further information please see his web page here.

MARIO CEDRINI is a full professor of Economics at Università di Torino, Italy, and Deputy Director of the Department of Economics and Statistics “Cognetti de Martiis”. He teaches macroeconomics, economics as a science, and ecological economics. His early research has mainly focused on John Maynard Keynes’s epistemological and methodological reflections and suggestions for global reform. He is currently working on economics as a discipline. His research group has been awarded two research grants by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (PRIN 2017 and PRIN 2022) to explore using text mining techniques whether economics has finally become, at a time of increasing specialization and fragmentation, an “immature” science, and whether journals, as a consequence, have become a major force in structuring the discipline.

One of the editors of The Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, he has published Economics as Social Science. Economics Imperialism and the Challenge of Interdisciplinarity (with R. Marchionatti, Routledge 2017), and Secondo Keynes. Il disordine economic internazionale e le speranze di una nuova Bretton Woods (with A. Carabelli, Castelvecchi 2014), as well as a series of articles in international economics journals (EJHET, CJE, JoIE, JEM, JPKE, JEI, RRPE, FSE, HEI). He has served as Secretary-General of the Italian Association for the History of Political Economy (STOREP) for 2015-2021 and is now a member of the Executive Committee. He is also a member of the Executive Committee of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET) and of the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Torino.

MATTEO DELEIDI is a post-Keynesian economist and Assistant Professor of Economics at the Department of Political Sciences at the University of Bari Aldo Moro. His primary research focuses on monetary policy and income distribution, fiscal policies, public investment in innovation, and theories of economic growth. Before joining the University of Bari Aldo Moro, Matteo was a research fellow at Sapienza University of Rome, Parthenope University of Napoli, Roma Tre University, and University College London. He obtained his PhD in Political Economy from the Department of Economics at Roma Tre University, where he currently serves as a member of the board of lecturers for the PhD program in Economics.

He has published numerous papers in international peer-reviewed journals and has participated in various national and international research projects and conferences. He serves as an associate editor of the Bulletin of Political Economy and was on the scientific and organising committee of the XX STOREP conference held at the University of Bari Aldo Moro. His research activities have been recognised with several awards, including the “Pierangelo Garegnani” Thesis Prize 2016 and the Young Scholars STOREP 2020 Award.

LUCA FANTACCI is an associate professor of Economic history at Università degli Studi di Milano, where he teaches Political economy and the History of economic and social development, and where he is launching a new MA programme in Cultural, intellectual and visual history. Luca also teaches history of economic thought and financial history at Bocconi University. His main research area concerns the evolution of monetary and financial theories and systems, with a special focus on the writings and activities of John Maynard Keynes, of which he has translated and edited three collections of essays in Italian: Moneta Internazionale (Saggiatore, 2016), Risparmio e Investimento (Donzelli, 2010), Sono un liberale? (Adelphi, 2010).

He is the author of La moneta. Storia di un’istituzione mancata (Marsilio, 2005), and together with Massimo Amato, The End of Finance (Polity, 2012), Saving the Market from Capitalism. Ideas for an Alternative Finance (Polity, 2014) and A Fistful of Bitcoins: The Risks and Opportunities of Virtual Currencies (Bocconi UP, 2020). He is co-director of the Research Unit MINTS (Monetary Innovation, New Technologies and Society) at Baffi Carefin Research Center, Bocconi University, Milan. He was Visiting Fellow at Neubauer College, University of Chicago; IASS, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam; Université Paris 13; Christ’s College, Cambridge. Luca participated in his first STOREP Conference in Florence in 2009 and is
the local organizer of the 21 st STOREP Conference that will be held in Milan in June 2024.

GIULIO GUARINI (Roma, 1976) is a Full Professor of Political Economy at University of Tuscia (Viterbo, Italy). Previously, he worked as economist-public servant at the Italian Agency of Territorial Cohesion and at the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and at the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance. He graduated in Economics at Sapienza University of Rome, where he subsequently earned his PHD in Economics and where he had two Research Fellowships on Sylos Labini’s economic thought. He spent periods of study in UK at the University of Oxford and the University of Sussex. He is Visiting Professor at Bethlehem University (Palestine). He is vice-coordinator of the PHD course in Economics, Management and Quantitative Method at University of Tuscia.

Based on the Classical-postKeynesian approach, his main research interests are economic development, ecological transition, human development, innovation, ecological macroeconomics, inequalities. He is on the editorial board of PSL Quarterly review, Moneta e Credito and Structuralist Development Macroeconomics Bulletin, on the scientific board of Studium, and on the governing board of Economia Civile and of Centro Studi Europei e Internazionali at University of Tuscia. He is member of MinervaLab at Sapienza University and of Structuralist Development Macroeconomics Research Group at Brasilia University. He is Fellow of the National University Center for Applied Economics (CiMET). He has been collaborating for several years as scientific director of research projects with the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA). He has published in several international and national journals.

DANIELLE GUIZZO is Associate Professor in Economics Education at the University of Bristol. She is the 2024 recipient of the Clarence E. Ayres Scholar prize, awarded by the Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE). Danielle is currently the elected Management Committee Coordinator of the Association for Heterodox Economics (AHE, 2022-24), the International Officer of the Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE, 2022-24), and a co-founder and steering group member of D-Econ. At AHE, she also held positions as Academic Officer (2019-21), Webinar Coordinator (2021), and Strategy Officer (2022) in which she organised two successful annual conferences, two annual webinar series, and several joint activities with heterodox associations around the world. These rendered AHE a new inflow of members and a refreshed mission & vision for the association. At AFEE, in her current role as International Director she was responsible for expanding AFEE’s networks (bringing new members, notably young scholars) and helping to set up their first conference outside the United States, taking place in Brazil in May/2024.

Danielle’s research expertise lies at the intersection between the history of economics, the political economy of knowledge and education, and pluralism, diversity and inclusivity in economics. Currently, she is working on projects that explore the history of heterodox economics in Latin America and the structural change caused by of Artificial Intelligence over the economics discipline (teaching and research). In 2020, she joined the editorial board of Journal of Economic Issues. At the University of Bristol, she is the course convenor of history of economic thought, philosophy of economics, and research methods. Danielle previously held academic positions at the University of the West of England (2016-2020), and the State University of Santa Catarina (2012-2015). She holds a PhD in Economics & Public Policy from the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil (2016).

ANTONELLA RANCAN is currently full professor of Economics at the University of Molise (Italy) where she teaches Economics and History of Economic Thought. Her research interests are in the history of postwar macroeconomics, in particular on the history of macroeconometric modelling, monetary theory and policy. She has spent research periods at the Department of Economics of Duke University in 2007 and 2008, and at the Center for the History of Political Economy (Duke University) during the 2018, thanks to a Fulbright research scholar grant and the Center fellowship, working on Franco Modigliani Papers.

She has published a book on Franco Modigliani and Keynesian Economics (Routledge 2020) and is publishing a book with Francesco Sergi on Modelling Europe: A History of Multi-Country Models at the European Commission, 1970-2005 (Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming 2025).
Her research in the history of macroeconometric modelling in the US, at the Bank of Italy and at the European Commission is aimed to enlarge the perspective from macroeconomics within academia to macroeconomics practiced within policymaking institutions. Her articles have been published in international journals such as the European Economic Review, History of Political Economy, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, History of Economic Ideas. Since 2020, she coordinates the committee of the Economists Historical Archive of the Italian Society of Economics (http://www.sie-ase.org/), and is a council member of the European Society of the History of Economic Thought.

DANIELA TAVASCI is interim Dean for International of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor in Economics at the School of Economics and Finance, Queen Mary University of London and a Higher Education Academy Principal Fellow. She was awarded the inclusive curriculum fellowship by the QM Academy in 2021. Daniela is an associate editor of Advances in Economics Education. She holds a BSc in Economics and a BSc in Political Sciences (Bologna), an MSc in Development Economics and a PhD in Economics (London), and a Curso PG in Economía Política Argentina from Flacso (Buenos Aires).

Daniela is a heterodox political economist interested in the various forms of inequality and its conceptualisation (lack thereof) within economics. Her postgraduate training and research interests are rooted in the interdisciplinary tradition of the political economy of development. Her research is often collaborative and can be divided into three distinct contributions, all linked to various forms of inequality, including International Finance and Political Economy of Development, Inequality in Education and the analytics of awarding gaps (including gender, socio-economic background and ethnicity), Scholarship Research including an original approach to teaching economics by integrating the history of economic thought into economics classrooms as an instrument for curriculum decolonisation. She actively engages in peer-reviewing works in both the History of Economic Thought and economics teaching. Daniela is committed to improving diversity within economics and the academic world. She works to improve access and progression for ethnic minorities and disadvantaged students both locally and internationally. Daniela is an Auroran in Advance Higher Education. Within the Royal Economics Society, she is a Women in Economics Network member and a Champion of the Discover Economics campaign, which aims to increase diversification in economics. She created the Discover Economics-Empowering Women programme.

ATTILIO TREZZINI was born in Rome on April 25, 1961. He studied Economics at La Sapienza University of Rome, where he also obtained a PhD in Political Economy under the supervision of Professor Garegnani. In the years following his PhD, after a period of research at the University of Turin, he joined Roma Tre University, where he worked as a researcher and associate professor of Political Economy, and later of the History of Economic Thought.
His research interests have focused on theories of growth and accumulation that recognize the crucial role of demand expansion, contributing to the development of the Classical-Keynesian approach to growth analysis. He has paid particular attention to the links between the theoretical principles of accumulation analysis and the explanation of the determinants of value and distribution that are necessarily assumed – even implicitly – in analyzing economic growth. He in fact adheres to the theoretical position according to which Keynes’s theoretical contribution can be extended to the analysis of growth and accumulation only by abandoning the principles of neoclassical theories and adopting the explanation inherent of income distribution due to classical economists.

A characteristic of his research work is the attention to the history of ideas, believing that current theories can only be effectively understood if framed within the historical evolution of ideas and considering it as the result of an evolution marked by theoretical breakthroughs, conflicts, and defeats where abandoned paths are not necessarily the least valid. Since his research has focused on the role of consumption in growth, he has dedicated efforts to reconstructing the analysis of the determinants of consumption, identifying theoretical approaches forgotten in the determination of consumption and the role that consumption plays in economic growth.


ANTONINO LOFARO is a Postdoctoral researcher at University of Siena and a PhD candidate at Roma Tre University. He has been visiting research student at the Laurentian University and University of Ottawa, in Canada. He has master’s and bachelor’s degrees in economics from Roma Tre University.
His research focuses on the fields of international and monetary economics, and applied macroeconomics. He applies SVAR estimates to assess the impact of monetary policy on aggregate demand, income distribution, and financial stability. Furthermore, he investigates potential influences concerning the state dependence of economy and the monetary and currency regime historically adopted. Related to this is an interest in the study of monetary policy rules and the relationship between interest rates, exchange rates and income distribution.


MANFREDI ALBERTI (born 1984) is Research Fellow of History of Economic Thought at the Department of Political Science and International Relations (DEMS) – University of Palermo, Italy, where he teaches History of Economic and Social Policies and History of European Monetary Union. His work focuses on the history of statistics, labour history and history of economic policies. In 2023 he was Visiting researcher at the Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie dell’UQAM – Université du Québec à Montréal. He has recently published “La statistica e i suoi archivi. Considerazioni a partire dal caso della Sicilia preunitaria”, Il Pensiero Economico Italiano, 2023, 31(1) (with Pier Francesco Asso), and the book chapter “Donne e uomini al lavoro nell’Italia contemporanea. Uno sguardo d’insieme”, In C. Giurintano, F. Russo (ed.), Aspetti e questioni multidisciplinari della democrazia paritaria: lo spazio pubblico e privato dall’antichità ai nostri giorni, Editoriale Scientifica.

MARIA CRISTINA BARBIERI GÓES is currently a junior assistant professor (RtdA) at the University of Bergamo and a member of the editorial board of the Review of Political Economy. She holds a PhD in Economics from Roma Tre University, a MA in International Economics from the Berlin School of Economics and Law, and a MA in Economic Analysis and Policy from the University Sorbonne Paris Cité. Her research up to today has focused on post-Keynesian Economics, growth theory, fiscal and monetary policies, income distribution, and applied macroeconomics. Her scientific contributions have appeared in: Economia Politica, Economic Modelling, Review of Keynesian Economics,  Review of Political Economy, and Structural Change and Economic Dynamics.

CLAUDIA SUNNA is an associate professor of History of economic thought at the University of Salento (Lecce). She graduated from the University of Florence’s Faculty of Economics with a PhD in History of Economic Doctrines. Since 2019, she has served as the Rector’s Delegate for Strategic Planning of the University of Salento. Her primary research interests are population theory in the history of economic thought, development economics, and women economists in Italian economic thought.[:it]Elections of STOREP officers (President, Secretary, Members of the Executive Committee, Auditors, and, in a separate ballot, Young Scholars Representative) for the next triennium will be held in April 2024.

Only current members (that is, scholars who have become members in 2024 or renewed their membership for the current year) shall be entitled to vote. Memberships can be renewed by following the instructions at this link.

Voting instructions will be posted on this website and notified to members shortly.
Here below is the list of candidates, with profiles and photos.