Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Why Inequalities Grow:
Value and Distribution in the History of Economic Thought

21st STOREP Annual Conference, June 27-29, 2024

Università degli Studi di Milano
Dipartimento di Studi Storici
Casa Cardinale Ildefonso Schuster, Via Sant’Antonio, 5, 20122 Milano


The “Raffaelli lecture” is in honor of Tiziano Raffaelli, Full professor of History of Economic Thought at the University of Pisa, an internationally renowned specialist of Alfred Marshall’s economics, a promoter of several research initiatives of political economy, and an active and reputable member of STOREP. Starting from the 14th Annual STOREP Conference, and thanks to the generosity of Manuela Giovannetti, full professor at the University of Pisa and widow of Tiziano Raffaelli, STOREP invites every year an internationally recognized scholar who has led innovative research on Raffaelli’s main interests – from Alfred Marshall’s thought, in particular, to, more generally, industrial economics, evolutionary economics, economic methodology – to hold a one-hour lecture to participants in the main conference. STOREP will broadly disseminate the lecture contents on its website and social media, and eventually on special issues of academic journals with selected articles presented in the Annual Conference.

2017: Marco Dardi
2018: Harro Maas
2019: Richard Arena
2020: Sheila Dow
2021: Steven G. Medema
2022: Renee Prendergast
2023: Maria Pia Paganelli

Bruna Ingrao will give the eighth “Raffaelli Lecture” at STOREP 2024.

Born in Rome in 1947, Bruna Ingrao has been a full Professor of Economics at the University of Rome La Sapienza.

A historian of economic thought, she wrote on the history of general equilibrium theory, notably the book The Invisible Hand. General Equilibrium in the History of Science jointly with the late Prof. G. Israel (Ingrao, Israel 1990).

In 2013, she published the book Portraits of European Economists (Ingrao 2013).
In 2019, with Prof. C. Sardoni, she wrote Banks and Finance in Modern Macroeconomics. A Historical Perspective to explore why financial intermediaries disappeared from mainstream models in macroeconomics in the second half of the 20th century (Ingrao, Sardoni 2019).

She wrote essays on methodology, ideas of rationality in economics, economics and literature in an interdisciplinary perspective.

The title of her Raffaelli lecture is “Market Economies and Authoritarian Rule. Rethinking Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy in the XXIst Century”.