Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

STOREP 2023: Invited Speakers

Rethinking Economic Policies:
The Role of the State in the post-Covid-19

20th STOREP Annual Conference, June 15-17, 2023

Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Palazzo Del Prete, Piazza Cesare Battisti, 1 – 70121 Bari


“Labour Market, Inequalities and Minimum wage”

Honorary fellow at Collegio Carlo Alberto, Torino, Chiara Saraceno was a professor in the sociology of the family first at the University of Trento then at the University of Turin.
From 2006-2011 she was a research professor at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung. In 1998-2001 she chaired the Italian Commission on poverty and social exclusion and from 2021-22 chaired the scientific committee for the evaluation of the Minimum Income scheme.
Among her most recent publications, Advanced introduction to family policy, Edward Elgar 2022; Il Welfare, il Mulino 2021; Poverty in Italy (con D. Benassi e E. Morlicchio), Policy Press 2020; L’equivoco della famiglia, Laterza 2017; Mamme e papà il Mulino 2016; Il Lavoro non basta. La povertà in Europa negli anni della crisi, Feltrinelli 2014; Coppie e famiglie. Non è questione di natura, Feltrinelli 2016. In 2005 she was nominated Grand’ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana by President Ciampi. In 2011 she was awarded the status of corresponding fellow of the British Academy. She chairs the Rete Italiana di Cultura popolare and is co-coordinator of Alliance for children and writes for the newspapers La Repubblica and La Stampa.

Pasquale Tridico is President of the National Institute of Social Security (INPS) and Full Professor in Economic Policy at Roma Tre University.
Since September 2018, he has received funding from the EU to open a Jean Monnet Research Center of Excellence called “Labor Welfare and Social Rights” of which he is the director. Over the past decade, he has also carried out study and teaching periods in numerous European universities, building an extensive network of international scientific collaborations.
His scientific contributions have appeared in: Cambridge Journal of Economics, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Review of International Political Economy, Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, International Labor Review, International Review of Applied Economics. He is also the author of the textbook Economia del Lavoro. Analisi Macroeconomica, evidenze empiriche e politiche del lavoro (Mondadori University, 2019).


Lia Pacelli is an associate professor in Economics at the Department of Economics and Statistics of the University of Turin and president of LABORatorio R. Revelli– Centre for Employment Studies. She teaches Microeconomics, Labour Economics, and Impact Evaluation Methods at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Her research interests are related to applied labor economics, and in particular to the deregulation of the labor market, the relationship between health and work, to gender inequalities. She privileges multidisciplinary studies and impact evaluation methods.

The plenary session with Chiara Saraceno, Pasquale Tridico, and Lia Pacelli is chaired by Sebastiano Fadda. 

Sebastiano Fadda is the President of INAPP (National Institute for Public Policy Analysis) since February 2020. He has completed his postgraduate studies in Economics at the University of Cambridge as a member of King’s College and acquired the full professorship in Political Economy in 1988. He has taught Micro- and Macroeconomics at the University of Sassari, the Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione, Luiss, and the University of Roma Tre, where he still teaches the course in Labor Economics and Politics as part of the master’s degree program in Labor Market, Industrial Relations and Welfare Systems. He is the author of numerous scientific publications, both in Italian and English.

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INET-STOREP joint initiative
“Public investment, Industrial Policies and the European Strategy”

Professor of International and European macroeconomics at Sciences Po and Luiss. He is Deputy Director of OFCE, the French observatory of economic conjuncture, and a member of the scientific committee of the Luiss School of European Political Economy. He recently published La scienza inutile. Tutto quello che non abbiamo voluto imparare dall’economia (Luiss University Press, 2018) e La Riconquista. Perché abbiamo perso l’Europa e come possiamo riprendercela (Luiss University Press, 2020).

ANNAMARIA SIMONAZZI (Sapienza University of Rome)
Full Professor of Political Economy and History of Economic Analysis at Sapienza University of Rome and Expert Counsellor at the Italian National Council of Economics and Labour (CNEL). First woman to serve as president of the Giacomo Brodolini Foundation, she is also co-editor of the journal Economia & Lavoro and a member of the editorial board of the web magazine www.inGenere.it. She has coordinated several European and national research projects. Her current research interests include topics in European economics and policy, innovation and industrial policy, welfare and gender economics. Her recent publications include “Economic relations between Germany and Southern Europe”, The Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2013 (coauthor); “Change in care regimes and female migration. The ‘care drain’ in the Mediterranean”, Journal of European Social Policy, 2006 (coauthor); “Italy: Continuity and Change in Welfare State Retrenchment”, in D. Vaughan-Whitehead (Ed.), The European Social Model in Crisis – Is Europe losing its Soul?, Edward Elgar 2015; Crisis in the European Monetary Union. A Core-Periphery Perspective (coauthor), Routledge, 2018.

GIANFRANCO VIESTI (University of Bari Aldo Moro)
Full Professor of Applied Economics in the Department of Political Science at the University of Bari. His research interests include topics in international, industrial, and regional economics and economic policies. In recent years, he has actively participated in the Italian public discussion through his research works and media activism in the national press and radio networks, discussing federalism, the Italian university system, policies for the Italian Mezzogiorno, urban and industrial policies. His recent publications include: Il Sud vive sulle spalle dell’Italia che produce. Falso! (2013); La laurea negata. Le politiche contro l’istruzione universitaria (2018); Centri e Periferie. Europa, Italia, Mezzogiorno dal XX al XXI secolo (2021).

The 2023 INET-STOREP initiative is chaired by former STOREP President Antonella Stirati.

Antonella Stirati is Full Professor of Political Economy in the Department of Economics at Roma Tre University. Her research activities cover topics in macroeconomics, labor, and the history of economic thought, with a view to the revival and development of classical distribution theory and Keynesian employment theory. She has published numerous scientific articles in volumes and in national and international journals and a few monographs. She is a member of the academic council of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), of the editorial board of Review of Political Economy, and of the scientific committee of the online journal Economia e Politica. Between 2018-2021, she has served as STOREP President. She has recently published Lavoro e salari: un punto di vista alternativo sulla crisi (L’asino d’oro, 2020).