Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Cfp: AISPE-STOREP Joint Session @ WINIR 2023 in Catania


Call for Papers
AISPE-STOREP Joint Session @ WINIR 2023 in Catania

AISPE and STOREP wish to propose a joint session at the WINIR conference. The conference will take place in Catania on 20-23 September 2023. We invite members of the two societies to submit papers related to the conference theme, or to any aspect of institutional research and history of economic thought. Papers that fall within one or more of AISPE and STOREP’s research aims and WINIR’s research priorities are particularly welcome.

An abstract of no more than 200 words, indicating 1 or max 2 WINIR’s research priorities Codes, should be submitted to and to by 18 May 2023.

Any questions or concerns regarding the Conference or WINIR’s research priorities should be
directed to Paolo Silvestri (Univ. of Catania, member of the organizing committee of WINIR

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