Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

3rd HANDS-ON AB-SFC summer school, Università delle Marche, 9-12 September 2024


3rd HANDS-ON AB-SFC summer school
Università Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona) 9-12 September 2024

The Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM), located in Ancona (Italy), is organizing the 3rd summer school on Agent-Based Stock-Flow Consistent (AB-SFC) macroeconomic modelling from the 9th to the 12th of September 2024. The school will use a “hands-on” perspective: each frontal theoretical lecture will be followed by a laboratory in which the students will have the chance to work firsthand on codes supported by the school’s lecturers.
The aim of the school is to help the students start developing the bulk of skills required to become autonomous researcher in this field. The importance of interaction is one of the key insights of the agent-based modelling (ABM) approach, accordingly the organization will also include numerous occasions for the students to interact and collaborate with one another and with the lecturers to discuss their ongoing research.
The school is organized by the Department of Economic and Social Sciences (DiSES) of the Università Politecnica delle Marche, and with the support of INET – YSI (Young Scholars Initiative).


The school is open to a maximum of 15-20 students (the school targets primarily first and second year PhD students) and it is free of charge: the students will be provided with coffee breaks, lunches, and a social dinner. Travels and accommodations are at the expenses of the students. Applications from abroad are warmly encouraged: A limited number of scholarships covering travel and accommodation will be financed by YSI/INET (a specific announcement will be published soon).

How to Apply:

Send a CV, a motivation letter, and a recommendation letter by your supervisor to:


  • 20th of July – Application
  • 25th of July – Notification of acceptance
  • 31st of July – Registration

Piazzale Martelli, 8 – 60121 Ancona – Italy
fax (071) 220.71.02
email: absfc2024@gmail.com

Alberto Russo (UNIVPM)

Organizing committee:
Federico Giri, Mauro Gallegati, Alberto Russo (UNIVPM)
Eugenio Caverzasi (Università degli Studi dell’Insubria)

Laboratory staff:
Alessandro Agnesi, Samantha Coccia (UNIVPM)
Jacopo Di Domenico (Università di Macerata)

Invited speaker:
Isabel Almudi (University of Zaragoza, Spain)

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