Sun. Jan 26th, 2025

2023 Routledge Inclusive Economics Prize


From Routledge, Taylor & Francis website

At Routledge, Taylor & Francis, we have a long and established heritage of publishing reputable, pluralist Economics research which challenges mainstream thinking. At a time when the importance of diversity and inclusion has never been more pertinent, publishing research that combats elitism and marginalization is of paramount importance. We want to encourage, promote, and help fund research that is inclusive– inclusive of diversity, plurality, and new approaches.

We will be once again awarding an annual prize for research that demonstrates at least one of the following:

  • Highlights diverse voices which could be in terms of (but not limited to) geography, race, or gender
  • Showcases new approaches using pluralist methods
  • Decolonizes Economics by encompassing marginalized views and encouraging equity and solidarity
  • Promotes inclusivity and equity in both research topic and outcomes

Additionally, the research output should endorse open science by openly sharing data where possible. We are offering an award of £4,000, paid to the winners in February 2024. The deadline for submissions for the prize is 20th October 2023.

Further info @

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