International Conference “Workers and firms in the platform economy” (Rome, 14-15 June 2018)

International Conference

Workers and firms in the platform economy
Open issues, empirical evidence and policy challenges

INAPP Auditorium – Corso d’Italia 34, Rome, 14-15 June 2018

The international conference ‘Workers and firms in the platform economy. Open issues, empirical evidence and policy challenges’ gathers together scholars and experts to promote a high-level discussion on the socio-economic impact of digitalization, with a specific focus on digital platforms.

Given the complexity characterizing the issue at stake, the conference will have an interdisciplinary approach investigating the developments of the digital economy integrating various disciplinary perspectives, including the ones from sociology, economics, law and industrial relations.

The first day envisages two panels. The first panel will identify the main challenges of digitization and the platform economy, with a special focus on both employment quality and quantity. The second panel will revolve around the presentation of recent empirical results carried out in Europe on employment in digital platforms. The second day will open with a panel on the main regulatory issues of employment in the platform economy, involving both lawyers and industrial relations experts. The final session will revolve around open issues and envisage both research and policy agendas to be pursued in the future.


Program (pdf download)