Cfp: “The Limits to Growth: Economic Theorizing and Policymaking, 1972-2021”

Call for Papers
History of Economic Thought and Policy 
Issue 2022-1

The Limits to Growth:
Economic Theorizing and Policymaking, 1972-2021

 2022 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the renown MIT Report, financed by the Club of Rome, The Limits to GrowthThe book, that expected a significant reduction in the stocks of natural (fossil) resources accompanied by a substantial increase in the price of oil and other energy sources, triggered a widespread debate on the (dominant) idea of unfettered economic growth, pushing for deep and widespread reforms of the international order (Tinbergen, 1976).  

This controversial volume was bound to generate a huge debate on the environmental constraints to economic growth and a violent reaction from economists (with harsh critiques from Nordhaus, Beckerman, Solow, Stiglitz, etc). Since then, the economics of environment, climate change and sustainability has improved predictive techniques and models (the DICE by Nordhaus is an example of this) and mainly turned from cost-effectiveness analyses to cost-benefit analyses. Not always in line with the increasing international awareness concerning the issue of sustainability (Brundtland Report, 1987; Rio Summit, 1992; the Kyoto Protocol, 1997; the Stern Review 2006). 

Such theoretical changes impacted on the way economists influenced public opinion and policymaking, until the contribution of economists was formally recognized in 2018 with the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Economics to William Nordhaus “for integrating climate change into long-run macroeconomic analysis” (Royal Swedish Academy, 2018).

The first issue of 2022 of the journal would like to focus on the evolving relationship between economic theorizing and policymaking in the field of the limits to growth induced by climate change, resource depletion and environmental economics from 1972 until today. 

Abstract should be submitted in word format to: 



  • September 30, 2021: abstract submission 
  • October 15, 2021: decision of selected abstracts and notification of invited papers 
  • January 31, 2022: papers submission 
  • March 15, 2022: referee reports 
  • April 30, 2022: final submissions 
  • June 2022: issue publication 

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