Cfp: “Globalization and development: cities, areas and countries” (STOREP session at SIE 59)

On the occasion of the 59th Annual conference of the Società Italiana degli Economisti (SIE), the proposed STOREP session aims to bring together four papers on all aspects of the history of economic thought, with special attention granted to proposals that fall into the SIE 2018 conference theme: Globalizzazione e sviluppo: città, regioni, nazioni (Globalization and development: cities, areas and countries).

Globalization shapes the environment in which individuals, enterprises and institutions operate, interactions among them and the living standards of human beings in developed and emerging market countries. This raises complex questions that cut across economic theory and policy, economic history and the history of economic thought. Relevant topics in this field include free trade and protectionism, industrialization, urbanization and localization of economic activities, global supply chains, centre-periphery models, unequal development and poverty traps, international capital mobility, international speculation and asset price volatility, supranational institutions and their reform, hierarchies and power structures in the global economy. Multiplicity of opinions about these issues resonates in the history of economic thought inviting debate among scholars interested in the nexus between globalization, prosperity and the economic environment.

The 59th Annual Conference of the Società Italiana degli Economisti (SIE) will take place in Bologna (hosted by Emilialab – Dipartimenti di Economia delle Università di Ferrara, Modena-Reggio e Parma), on 25-27 October 2018. Note that:
a) published papers are not eligible for submission;
b) only one conference presentation is allowed per person, but more than one submission may be accepted, if involving co-authors who are also presenting;
c) an abstract of 200 words should be submitted to the STOREP Selection Committee before May 10th, 2018.

The STOREP Selection Committee includes:

1. Mario Morroni (University of Pisa)
2. Paolo Paesani (University of Rome Roma Tor Vergata)
3. Antonella Palumbo (Roma Tre University)

Paper proposals may be addressed to

Authors whose paper have been accepted will be notified by Paolo Paesani.