Call FOR PAPERS – Joint Session SIE-STOREP 19-21 OCTOBER 2017

Dear all,
It is a great pleasure to invite you to submit abstract proposals for the next joint session SOCIETÀ ITALIANA degli ECONOMISTI (SIE) – STOREP, which will be held during the 58th SIE annual conference at the Università della Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), on October, 19-21, 2017.

The title of the joint session is: “Crises and Economic Theory: the Relevance of the History of Economic Thought”. Crises, in the past, have prompted the economics profession to question the dominant theory. The Great Depression has led to the emergence of the Keynesian theory, while the Stagflation gave rise to the monetarist counter-revolution and to the New Classical Economics. It is therefore legitimate to wonder what will be the effects of the contemporary crisis on the economic theory. Is it necessary a new theory? And in case of a new theory, should it be founded on the return of old masters?

The deadline for abstract proposals is April 8, 2017. Notification of accepted and rejected abstracts will be sent by April 15, 2017. Abstract proposal must not exceed 400 words.
Proposals must be sent to: